Audience answering the Manifesto of Western Happiness’ questionnaire at Supermarket Art Fair with Interviewroom11 Gallery, April 2015 – Still from video ©IR11/Ellyce MoselleAudience answering the Manifesto of Western Happiness’ questionnaire at Supermarket Art Fair with Interviewroom11 Gallery, April 2015 – Still from video ©IR11/Ellyce Moselle
ARTIFICIAL LANDSCAPE, paint, PVC, mirror paper, 2014. Exhibition view from “I’ll Be Your Mirror” at Interview Room 11 Gallery, Edinburgh, 2014. Photo © Ellyce MoselleTRIPTYCH, 2014. Exhibition view from “I’ll Be Your Mirror” at Interview Room 11 Gallery, Edinburgh, 2014.Exhibition view from “I’ll Be Your Mirror” at Interviewroom11 Gallery, Edinburgh, 2014.
From left to right: MANIFESTO OF WESTERN HAPPINESS, 2014; TRIPTYCH, 2014.Exhibition view from “I’ll Be Your Mirror” at Interviewroom11 Gallery, Edinburgh, 2014. From left to right: MANIFESTO OF WESTERN HAPPINESS, 2014; TRIPTYCH, 2014; BORDERS, 2014.Exhibition view from “I’ll Be Your Mirror” at Interview Room 11 Gallery, Edinburgh, 2014. From left to right: ARTIFICIAL LANDSCAPE, 2014; BORDERS, 2014.ARTIFICIAL LANDSCAPE, paint, PVC, mirror paper, 2014. Exhibition view from “I’ll Be Your Mirror” at Interview Room 11 Gallery, Edinburgh, 2014. Photo @ Lucho CBMANIFESTO OF WESTERN HAPPINESS (Magenta Edition), audience listening to the audio installation. Exhibition from “I’ll Be Your Mirror” at Interview Room 11 Gallery, Edinburgh, 2014.ROMOLUS & REMUS, tape, chair, loop animation and sound, 2014. Exhibition view from “I’ll Be Your Mirror” at Interview Room 11 gallery, Edinburgh, 2014.
Alessandro Di Massimo,
Edinburgh Art Festival,
European Union,
I'll be your mirror,
manifesto of western hapiness,
political art