ENOUGH, (Day 1), raw clay, spray bottle, 100x25x15 cm, 2016. Exhibition view from “Enough” at The Number Shop, Edinburgh.

ENOUGH, detail. The sculpture covered with plastic to keep the clay wet, before the exhibition’s opening.

Interaction: spectators spray the sculpture with water during the opening of “Enough” at The Number Shop, 15 April 2016, Edinburgh.

ENOUGH, (Day 2), raw clay, spray bottle, 100x25x15 cm, 2016.

ENOUGH, (Day 3), raw clay, spray bottle, 100x25x15 cm, 2016.

ENOUGH, (Day 4), raw clay, spray bottle, 100x25x15 cm, 2016.

ENOUGH, (Day 5), raw clay, spray bottle, 100x25x15 cm, 2016.

ENOUGH, (Day 6), raw clay, spray bottle, 100x25x15 cm, 2016.

ENOUGH, (Day 7), raw clay, spray bottle, 100x25x15 cm, 2016.

ENOUGH, detail. Raw clay, spray bottle, 100x25x15 cm, 2016. Exhibition view from “Enough” at The Number Shop, Edinburgh.